Monday, August 24, 2009

Wheels on the Bus

This is by far Addy's favorite song... I cannot tell you how many times we have read the book, sang the song, listened to it on CD, and watched it on video. It never fails, she still gets extremely excited every time it comes on. Here is a video of her doing a few of the motions... she knows them all.


Kris said...

Melt my heart!!! That was about the cutest thing ever. Watching that video was a great way to start the day. :)

DeLane, Kevin & Parker Lilly said...

That is about the cutest thing ever! Thanks for making me smile on an already tiring Monday morning.

Courtney said...

My stars she is getting so BIG! I need to see that little munchkin!

The Felton Fam said...

She is so smart-I love the shhhhhh! She is too cute!

Michelle said...

Ahhh!!! That was so adorable! I love how excited she got! She is growing up so FAST!