Thursday, January 28, 2010

Addy Update

So Addy has been on her blood pressure medicine for over a month and we have seen little improvement to her birthmark. The doctor has decided that we need to double her dose to see if we can get it to shrink more. We go back to OHSU in a few weeks to discuss other options if this does not work. The good news is she is getting better at going to the doctor. She used to scream the whole time the doctor was in the room regardless if they were touching her or not. We went on Tuesday to get her blood pressure checked and she stood on the scale, let the doctor listen to her heart, and take her blood pressure with no tears. This is BIG improvement.
Other exciting news around here is that she is showing interest in potty training! Woohoo! It started last weekend at her cousins' house, seeing her cousins go was a big motivator. Let's hope it continues. I have also started giving her a potty treat whens she goes (two M&M's:) and she gets very EXCITED for this. I don't want to get my hopes up but she has already used her potty twice today... so we'll see!
Addy is almost two and boy is she letting us know. She is talking a lot putting several words together. She is full of personality but if things don't go her way she let's us know about it. She has a cold this week so the tantrums have increased. I am hopeful as she starts to feel better she will be more cooperative. Other than that, things are great. Matt has been traveling a lot this week so we are looking forward to a quiet weekend at home.


Erin said...

Sweet Addy! Please keep us posted on her progress Terry. Maybe you'll end up with a miracle child that's easy to potty train...fingers crossed for you.

Michelle said...

Oh Addy! Please keep us up to date w/what is going on! I really hope they can figure it out soon. In the meantime, good luck w/! ;)

DeLane, Kevin & Parker Lilly said...
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DeLane, Kevin & Parker Lilly said...

Thank you for the updates friend! I hope upping the dosage works and it sounds like she is well on her way to potty training land! btw...ADORABLE pic of her:)

The Felton Fam said...

Can she be any cuter?
Thank you for the updates on her. I hope things improve this time :) Good luck with the potty training...Owen thinks its really neat to carry his potty around (ya know like a truck or a train...) M&Ms are worth working for Addy!