Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

We are once again reminded of how blessed we are as a family. We had such a great Christmas with friends and family.
It is sad to see the season come to an end.
Addy and I Christmas Eve at Aunt Wendy's house.
Addy is pretty happy with her new kitchen from Santa!
Gabby looking festive.
A Christmas hug for Papa.
Addy checking out the presents under the tree.
A family photo at Mom and Dad's house.
Addy admiring her new doll from Nana and Oompa.
"I love Christmas!"


Courtney said...

That is THE CUTEST excited face for a kitchen ever!! Love her!

Jamieofalltrades said...

I hope how excited Addy is to get her kitchen. I want to pay house with her!

The Felton Fam said...

I wish we could come play in your snow-we're supposed to get some in the next few days. Then we may actually get to use our snow pants! I love Addy's expressions, she's so fun!

diggy said...

yay! I love how excited Addy is for Christmas! So cute!