Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Caroline Update!

The good news is Baby Caroline is out of the hospital. She got to come home on New Years Eve. She did have to go back again on the 2nd. She was so low in iron that she had to have a blood transfusion. She is finally home but still has her feeding tube and it taking the majority of her nutrition through the tube. She is gaining weight but still needs prayers for continued good health and more efficient eating.
We can't wait for you to get better Caroline!
Addy wants to play with you!


Courtney said...

Glad to hear she is gaining some weight! She will continue to be in my prayers of course Terry!

Michelle said...

So happy to hear...she (& the rest of your family) is in my thoughts!

Kris said...

I am so happy to hear she is getting better!

Jaclyn Z. Reiss said...

She is SUCH a precious baby Teresa...your sister and baby Caroline are totally in my prayers!