Thursday, March 24, 2011

Growing Up

Everyone says it, I feel like I have been warned a thousand times, but it's one of those things that you don't believe it until it happens to grow up way too fast.

Addy went to her first dance class on Monday. She was invited by a friend to attend the class. I was so excited for her, she loves to dance, and we had been talking about ballet all week. For some reason as she walked into the class I began to get tears in my eyes...
I was overwhelmed with pride, excitement, and a little bit of nervousness for my baby girl.
But Addy was ready, she had been waiting for this day all week!
She sat with the kids during introductions and did great during warm up activities. As the kids began to dance you could tell Addy was feeling very lost. The kids were moving quickly and Addy did not know what to do. Her big eyes were scanning the room for her friends and you could see the panic in her face. I waited for a moment hoping she would regain her composure and begin dancing again. But instead she saw me watching in the window. Part of me wanted to stand back and make her finish the class but another part of me wanted to rescue her. As she stood in the middle of the dance floor with her arms stretched out seeming to say help me... I am scared! So I did, I walked into the room, (with my boots on... sorry dance teacher), scooped her up and held her on my lap for the rest of the class. I was so excited for her to begin this new chapter in her childhood but then as it approached part of me didn't want to let her go. I am guessing this is the way it is going to be through out parenthood- a constant pull between wanting the kids to accomplish new things but not wanting them to grow up too fast. I know there will be days in the near future when she runs into class and never looks back but for today I will hold my baby a little bit longer.
P.S. She told me she would try dance class again when she is four.

Speaking of growing up too fast check out Griffin Boy!
He is still the happiest, most easy going baby.
Addy told me the other day, I am so glad we found Griffin.
I am too, Addy Mae, I am too!


Lspry said...

Terry, you got me a little choked up. Loved that Addy said she was so happy you "found" Griffin. Such sweet babies you have!

Michelle said...

Ha! I am so glad you found Griffin too! That was too cute. So fun to see you last weekend! Loved these pics!

Jaclyn Z. Reiss said...

Oooh I LOVE this post and I LOVE that you ran to your girl. They only get to be our "babies" for so long! Just darling...and that Griffin is just precious!!

Marge said...

They are too darn cute! Love the little dance outfit!!!!

Kris said...

I just got a little teary reading this! Such wonderful changes but so hard to see them happen so quickly. You're such an amazing mother.

Lindsay said...

What a sweet post & darling kiddos!